The Aware Mind

Healing Abandonment and Childhood Trauma with TSD Mindfulness: A True Story

April 21, 2023 Sarah Vallely Season 2 Episode 47

In this episode, Sarah's current coaching client and guest, Jasmine, tells her story of healing from childhood trauma with the help of the tools provided by TSD Mindfulness practice and coaching. Jasmine grew up in a home with alcoholism and at a young age learned she needed to ignore her needs in order to "keep the peace" at home.  Even as an adult she still struggled to feel and understand her emotions, as well as, know what she needed in relationships. TSD has helped her heal from abandonment, neglect and shame that came from her childhood experiences. Listen to her story and learn how you too can use tools such as, the Emotional Clusters linked here, to begin your healing journey. 

The Emotional Clusters:

TSD Mindfulness Virtual Meditation Center FREE monthly meditation group meets the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM New York Time/3:00 PM London Time.  April 22, May 20, June 17, July 15,  August 19 etc. Register at

Online Book Club discussion TBA on a Monday at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.

Important links:
The Aware Mind blog:
TSD Mindfulness Virtual Meditation Center
Sarah's Mindfulness Coaching website:
The Aware Mind on Instagram

This episode is a meditation for beginners, and mindfulness for beginners resource. Intermediate and advanced meditators will also benefit. The Aware Mind produces content that supports stress reduction, anxiety relief, better concentration and focus, and trauma healing.

The Aware Mind is produced by TSD Mindfulness, a virtual meditation center, offering mindfulness classes, certifications and private coaching for people with past trauma, anxiety and depression disorders, business leaders, and people who work in the helping professions (i.e. counselors, healers and yoga and meditation teachers).